Table of Contents

Trinity Admin-Panel


Trinity is currently in its alpha stage and the API is subject to change. We are actively developing the library and may make significant changes to the API as we iterate and incorporate feedback. While we strive to maintain backwards compatibility as much as possible, we recommend that you do not use Trinity in production environments at this time. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please open an issue on our GitHub repository. We appreciate your help in making Trinity a better library for everyone!


Trinity is a powerful Single-Page Application (SPA) administration tool that is designed to streamline common administrative tasks and enhance the productivity of developers. With its feature-rich and beautifully-designed interface, built using C# and ASP.NET, Trinity makes it easy to manage your website's backend with ease.


Trinity was inspired by the popular Laravel packages Nova and FilamentPHP. As a developer, I was always searching for a reliable admin panel that offered advanced features and functionalities, but could not find a solution that met my needs. That's why I created Trinity - to offer a powerful and customizable solution for managing website backends.


Trinity is packed with features that make managing your website's backend a breeze. Some of its key features include:

  • A user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate
  • Customizable dashboard that can be tailored to your needs
  • Role-based access control for managing user permissions
  • Advanced search and filtering options for efficient data management
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Database agnostics works with most database providers.
  • And much more!

Backend Tools

Trinity uses the following backend tools:

  • Dapper: A simple object mapper for .NET that provides fast database access.
  • SqlKata: A powerful SQL query builder for .NET that supports multiple database engines.
  • AspNetCore.InertiaCore: A library that allows you to build single-page applications using Inertia.js and ASP.NET Core.
  • FluentValidation: A popular validation library for .NET that provides a fluent interface for defining validation rules.
  • Humanizer: A library that makes it easy to work with human-friendly text in .NET.
  • MiniProfiler: A lightweight profiler that helps you identify performance issues in your .NET applications.

Frontend Tools

Trinity uses the following frontend tools:

  • ReactJS: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Inertia.js/React: A library that allows you to build single-page applications using React and server-side routing.
  • PrimeReact: A rich set of UI components for React.
  • Vite: A fast and lightweight build tool that is designed to be easy to use and highly configurable.

Getting Started Guide

To begin using Trinity, please refer to the Getting Started Guide. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to install Trinity. You can find the guide Here


If you encounter any issues while using Trinity, you can seek assistance by opening an issue in the Trinity repository on GitHub. You can find the repository Here. Please provide as much detail as possible when submitting an issue, including any error messages you receive and steps to reproduce the issue.


Trinity is released under the MIT License.